Submaster gets ignored on startup?!

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Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:56 am
Real Name: Alexander


I think I still have some basic understanding problems, or I'm doing something wrong

I just made a simple workspace to test startup - file provided below

I created a slider on the virtual console to set the dimmers (intensity) of two fixtures to max - OK
I created a solo frame with two scenes red and green - OK

I added a startup script to start with green light on. I set the Submaster to ~50%

However, when I start operating mode I can see green going up to 100% / 255 - the Submaster of this frame gets ignored. The button for green is framed orange.

When I now klick on the button, the green channels get updated to the Submaster limit (the frame of the button gets green) - OK

Where is my thoughts error?

Edit: as log as the Orange frame is active for the green button the channels are not responding to the submitter.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-20 um 15.49.54.png
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Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

Well here's the way I can try to explain it:

You defined a start function, and that function gets started when you engage Operate mode.
Your button gets an orange frame because it realizes that the function it refers to, is started from somewhere else, not by clicking the button.
Once you press the button now in this state, it's indeed an action of this button, so the submaster is in effect.

At the moment I can't come up with a solution to what you seem to try to achieve here - have the start function obey any pre-determined submaster level.

As you have to set your submaster level to the desired value and quit operating mode in order to be at that level next time you engage operating mode, I wonder what you try to achieve ultimately? Why don't you set the VBar Intensity slider to a reduced level instead? You can think of it as a built in submaster for all the color channels...
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:56 am
Real Name: Alexander

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I try to understand.

I meanwhile figured out a solution or better workaround with the loopback interface:

I placed a dummy flash button triggering a loopback, and assigned this loopback channel to the green as an input,
Instead of the Green Scene button I added the dummy button to the start sequence.

Now it starts the same way, and I get a green frame around my Green Scene button and the submaster is not ignored :geek:

Currently, I want to have a predefined submaster (or more of them) as I'm just in the beginning of the design, and don't want to remember which scene has which intensity levels to modify. Also, later on, I will use QLC+ headless and control by OSC only, or have a quick MS Remote Desktop session

Does this make sense to you?
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