QLC crashes when trying to load QXW file

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Updated Windows last night after a show where I had zero issues now when I try to load my QXW file QLC crashes and completely closes out No errors or anything of the sort given Sample QXW will load no problem I'm using 4.12.6
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Pfieuw - good to know that your production held on!
* 1st issue - you updated Windows (this resets all kinds of stuff including USB enumerations)
* 2nd issue - please reconnect all USB devices - they all have to be rediscovered
and that's the reason why QLC+ crashes on loading a working show file...
Your USB devices have changed and your project file does not reflect those important changes

open your project file with a text editor and delete the block of interfaces, save, open your show file again, and assign universes to the new environment.
[backup your show file first - you break the structure = you break your show file]
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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