Digital Enlightenment FX5 not working on windows

The issues found when using the Input/Output Manager panel
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i have an issue with the FX5. Everything works perfectly on Gentoo Linux.
Unfortunately the stage computer that is supposed to run qlcplus has to run windows because it also has to run some windows only software.
qlcplus works perfectly as long as the FX5 is not plugged in. When i open the program while the interface is plugged in or i click refresh when selecting a HID device, the following error appears and the program ends/crashes.
HID DMX Interface Error
Cannot open 1: Please assure that the udev rules are installed.
(i translated the error from German to English so it might be a bit different)

I'm confused by this since i don't think windows has anything like udev rules.
Also claims that the FX5 should work on windows.

I would love to replace DMX Control with QLCPlus but i can't before i get the interface working on Windows.
Let me know if i can provide any additional information.
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Hello, the error message is indeed wrong on Windows.
Unfortunately I don't have an FX5 for testing, and it seems no longer exists.

Which Windows version are you using?
Is the device detected in I/O panel and QLC+ works without using it?
Have you tried older versions of QLC+?
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I'm using Windows 10.
If i unplug the interface and then open qlc+ the program opens just fine. Then i connect the interface. When i go to the input/output panel, click on HID and hit refresh i get the error and the program terminates once i hit "OK" .

I think was just selling a finished version of the following diy interface
(see bottom of webpage)

I've just tested the interface with a few older versions but not a single one worked.

I guess i could try to run the Linux version under Windows WSL. I've never used WSL before so i don't know if it's reliable enough for such a thing.
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I'm bumping this since i'm not sure if you've seen my response.

I think with this PR it won't be to hard to add support for it on windows.
The commit says "Yet only works on Linux, but it should be possible to link to Mac / Windows implementations of the HID API.".

Unfortunately i don't know anything about Windows developement, HDI and i'm really low on time at the moment.
I don't always have access to an FX5 but if i have i could test changes.

Until that i will have to use a live-boot which is pretty scary since unplugging the usb could ruin the show or i might checkout windows wsl but i'm not sure how stable it is.
(of course only if my Linux Laptop isn't available)
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Hi, can you please try the latest test version for Windows and report if FX5 is back to work?

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Hello Everybody,

I don't own an FX5 Interface but I have the Nodle U1 ( ... rface.html) and encounter a similar behavior.

Using the older Version 4.12.3 or the latest test version, everything is fine. However, when installing the current Version (4.12.4), QLC+ gives the following error when launching and the interface is plugged in:
Unable to open DMXControl Projets e.V. Nodle U1. Make sure the udev rule is installed.
In fact, QLC+ won't open at all. If I disconnect the interface, QLC+ opens normally.

I get the same behavior on several Windows PC's, all running Windows 10 x64 on different Versions (1809 up to 21H2). On my Macbook, I don't have any problems with the current version of QLC+.

I already updated the firmware of my interface from version 1.03 to the latest version 1.07, this didn't make any difference.

I just wanted you to know about this behavior. For now on, I will continue with Version 4.12.3 and hopefully, the problem won't occur in the final release of Version 4.12.5. If you want me to try something out with the Nodle U1, feel free to ask.

Many thanks for offering such a wonderful piece of software and have a nice week.
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Beta will become production-version, so you are 'safe' for the future.
(I use the beta's for more than 2 years and didn't notice any culprits in production, so 'beta' is stable enough)
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