Akai APC Mini

The issues found when using the Input/Output Manager panel
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Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:30 pm
Location: Acate, Sicilia
Real Name: Michele Carobene

Qlc + ver.4.12.3,
Lubuntu 20.04 operating system,
Akai apc mini (as midi input ) and Artnet (as output).

Launching qlc +, I set a completely empty new workspace, completely empty "fixtures", "functions", "show" and "virtual console" page.

Set on the "inputs / outputs" page as follows;

Profile: none
Map: entrance on akai apc mini
output: on IP artnet

Now I position myself on the "Simple desk" sheet and raise the sliders from 1 to 9 of apc mini, the dmx channels from 49 to 57 move accordingly without having ever assigned any key or slider in the virtual console (already empty) to apc mini. The same goes for the remaining 82 on/off keys of the apc mini which are "mapped" to various different DMX channels.
This "forced midi mapping" is not normal and affects the normal midi mapping of a normal workspace already set up.

The above does not occur in the Windows version of Qlc +.
Thank you.
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:30 pm
Location: Acate, Sicilia
Real Name: Michele Carobene

I have disabling "passthrough" on the "inputs / outputs" page which I had inadvertently not considered. now the akai mini apc controller no longer affects the various DMX dips if the functions and feedback on the virtual console controls are not appropriately assigned.
thanks anyway
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Glad you resolved it.

You may consider to use separate universe for MIDI and for DMX. If you don't need pasthrough from MIDI to DMX (that you have just disabled), it makes a cleaner setup,
and will allow MIDI feedback (he keys on APC will light/change color when related VC button is pressed),

BTW. next time you may try to attach qxw file so that people can look and see details that you don't consider important...

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I 2nd that ... always try to be as clean as possible.
The big advantage of QLC+ is that you can have numerous universes. Use them wisely and separate every input/output into a separate universe.
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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