Fixtures editor

The issues found when using the Fixture Definition Editor application
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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:06 am
Real Name: Gordon Cope

Hi helpful people,
I can see many posts on finding the fixtures editor but the answers have not helped me.
I have downloaded qlc in both linux and windows 10 4.10.5b the fixtures manager does not show up in either nor is there a separate file anywhere that I can see.
I need absolute step by step instructions.
I cannot proceed with my first project without the editor as all of the fixtures are generic moving head types.
Posts: 1286
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok


after you have properly installed QLC+, you should have folder in the Start menu called Q Light Controller Plus. There is an app called Fixture Definition Editor.
Recent Windows versions allow you search apps by pressing "Start/Windows logo" on the keyboard and typing some characters from app name start (e.g. <start><f><i><x><t> and Fixture editor should come up)

In my Kubuntu 16.04, it's Menu / Applications / Multimedia / Edit Fixtures (QLC+ Fixture Editor), or similarly to Windows, click on the menu button, type <f><i><x> and list of apps appears, one of them is the fixture editor. From command line its name is qlcplus-fixtureeditor. Open terminal, type qlcplus-fixtureeditor<enter>
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