Mark your stuff

This is a place for sharing with the community the results you achieved with QLC+, as a sort of use case collection.
You can share photos, videos, personal hardware/software projects, interesting HOWTO that might help other users to achieve great results.
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Posts: 2780
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:15 pm
Location: Belgium
Real Name: Fredje Gallon

Had the relative pleasure today, to help one of you guys out with a QLC+ spitting towards an Artnet-interface.

Because of Windows interfering with connected interfaces, it showed the owner a message to reset things.
Bam! - fixed installation config down - no more light.

Resolving the issue by facebook, then more direct thru messenger, via teamviewer and phone, 90 (!) minutes later the issue was solved.
<TL;DR> Windows putted itself somewhere and I configured the wrong IP-network based on info available at that time...

If only there would have been a little sticker telling me on what network we were looking for! Please?

Mark your stuff! (twice)
2023-02-16 19.39.58sm.jpg
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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