Steps not firing in Show

The issues found when using the Show Manager panel
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Posts: 389
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

My first time posting in a while. I hope all is well with you Massimo, and everyone else here. This is only my second show since the shutdown.

I'm on a windows 10 laptop patched to the latest updates, 8gb RAM, 2.4GHz Quad Core Processor, Enttec OpenDMX USB Dongle and QLC+ 4.12.3

I created a show with a single sound track and a light track that includes 10 steps. Not that it matters, but I'm using this to end my intermission. I goes from Preshow lights, dims and raises the house lights twice, fades house, fades preshow, brings up blue for actors to walk on, goes to black, then up on scene lights.

I've done this previously with 8 steps, but I think this is the first time I've had 10 steps.
Show Issue.jpg
In this case, steps 8,9 & 10 aren't triggering DMX. Those are my blues to black to scene.

I've looked at it in Monitor, and all lights fire as they should, and if I look at a particular step within the Show, all the right lights come up, including steps 8, 9 & 10.

I'm going to try a work around tonight, having 2 light tracks, with 5 steps on the first and 6 steps on the second.
Posts: 389
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

My work around didn't work.

I recreated the Show from scratch, and everything is working now. Out of curiosity I'm going to compare the files to see what happened.
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