Delay opening a workspace

The issues found when using the Input/Output Manager panel
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Posts: 560
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:28 pm
Real Name: Santiago Benejam Torres

Last weekend we did three theater performances. It was me and another technician with QLC +. With my laptop with Ubuntu 20.04 I controlled the music and audio effects. The other technician controlled the lights with a Windows 10 laptop.

The theater for DMX control has 3 Elation eNode8 Pro nodes, the theater installation is configured in 24 different universes, one for each light bar, 2 for the FOH lights and the rest distributed in different places on the stage. The workspace uses 13 universes.

The other day I wanted to open the lighting project and it takes almost 2 minutes to open. After many tests I discovered that in the project there is a line for each ArtNet output like this:
<Output Plugin = "ArtNet" Line = "5">
Running the qlcplus -d 0 I have seen it tries to open or connect to Line = "5" and as it does not exist it causes the delay when opening and repeats it for each of the 13 universes of the project.
I think when the other technician set up the ArtNet outputs in the list of inputs / outputs there were 6 ArtNet outputs as many as IP's had the laptop set up.

To avoid the delay and to be able to normally open the project on my laptop I manually edited the file changing Line = "5" to Line = "1" which is the second ArtNet input / output that shows the QLC + input / output manager . Then the project opens without any delay. I hope this workaround can help anyone with similar issues or to review the QLC+ code if needed.

Attached is the workspace file and the QLC + log file opening the project.
Aïllats Teatre Born v3.qxw
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